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Ravi Sethi

Called to the Bar in 2020 after a successful career as a solicitor–advocate, having worked in law since 2004, Ravi has dealt with every aspect of a case from initial instruction through to final hearing. He has a thriving practice which is split between public law (care proceedings), family law (children), domestic violence and criminal law.

With a passion for learning, Ravi is committed to keeping up with the ever-changing developments in his legal areas of practice. Based in Manchester, he is able to cover all courts in the North West as well as further afield with appropriate notice.




Ravi Sethi

Ravi's Experience

Called in 2020

Public Access Accredited

Family Law Bar Association

Barristers in England and Wales are regulated by the Bar Standards Board

BSB logo

Family Law

Prior to joining the Bar, Ravi was one of the few solicitors to have obtained both the prestigious Resolution Specialist Accreditation scheme in Family Law, a mark of quality as well as obtaining similar credentials in Crime, the Criminal Law Accreditation Scheme enabling him to practice as a duty solicitor and police station representative.

Ravi has an empathetic manner and can provide realistic advice to clients in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. He has vast experience in representing vulnerable clients, including victims of abuse or those suffering from mental health conditions or learning difficulties. He has developed a specific skill set which involves providing good advice whilst being non-judgmental. He also works with legal aid clients.

Domestic Violence

  • Applicants and respondents

  • Non-molestation orders

  • Occupation order applications bought under Part IV of the Family Law Act 1996

  • Initial applications, hearings, return dates and contested final hearings

Section Care Proceedings & Public Law

  • Representing local authorities, parents, guardian as well as grandparents and other relatives in Public Law proceedings bought by the Local Authority
  • Conducting advocacy at all levels of care proceedings from first appearance, case management hearings, IRH and final contested hearings
  • Summarising case law, drafting court orders, case summaries as well as other key documents including thresholds, position statements and skeleton arguments
  • Appearing before the High Court e.g. in Deprivation of Liberty Hearings (of a child) for both applicant and respondent
  • Drafting Advice on Appeals, Skeleton Arguments on Appeal and Advocacy at Appeal Hearings
  • Cases involving niche points of law e.g. a case in which an application was made to invoke the inherent jurisdiction of the court and place a child for adoption without informing a father with paternal responsibility
  • Cases that attract high levels of publicity. e.g. when a parent is accused or involved in terrorism, high-profile violence or sexual grooming

Private Children Law

  • Applicants and respondents

  • All types of hearings in the Family Courts

  • Section 8 Children Act 1989 Prohibited Steps Orders, Child Arrangement Orders and Specific Issue Orders

  • Interim hearings, first hearing dispute resolution appointments and final hearings

  • Declaration of Parentage (DNA Testing)

  • Applications for permission to change a child’s name

Vulnerable Clients

  • Vast experience in representing vulnerable clients

  • Victims of child abuse, domestic abuse or those suffering from mental health conditions or learning difficulties

Memberships & Advisory
  • Resolution (accredited specialist)

  • Child Concern

  • Family Law Bar Association

  • Criminal Bar Association

  • Solicitors Association of Higher Court Advocates

  • CPS Level 2 Advocacy Panel

  • Manchester & Trafford Law Societies

Case Profile

Private Children Act Proceedings – Bradford/ Leeds

Ravi acted for a father in a finding of fact hearing where serious allegations had been made against him and the children told he had been abusive. Findings were made that the mother had lied and the children had been deliberately alienated against their father. A contact progression plan was put in place for the father to be reintegrated into the children’s lives.

On another occasion, Ravi was able to demonstrate that a father has been violent towards a mother. The court made interim orders, restricting his contact until such time that he had completed anger management work and was able to show insight and he had changed his ways.

Public Law Proceedings – Manchester/ Nottingham

Ravi acted for and represented a mother in public law (adoption proceedings). The plan of the Local Authority was at first adoption of the children but the mother was able to demonstrate the necessary changes would be made to enable the children to return home.

Ravi also represented the independent children’s guardian. The court was convinced that the children could not return home until the parents were able to demonstrate they had taken significant steps to address drug and alcohol substance misuse.

Non-molestation Order & Occupation order – Liverpool

Ravi has obtained non-molestation orders against abusive ex-partners on several occasions, satisfying the court that they were necessary to protect the abused applicant from further harm.

He has also on occasion represented a Respondent and been able to successfully argue that an occupation order was draconian and was able to convince the court that there were no merits and it was ‘an abuse of process’ to grant such an application.

  • Nominated for local awards for assisting victims of domestic violence in collaboration with Domestic Abuse organisations including on occasions on a pro bono basis when legal aid funding was not available

  • Nominated for a Public Service Award in Lancashire in 2014

  • Manchester Resolution Barrister of the year finalist 2024
  • Keele University (awarded a high merit overall and a dissertation distinction & prize for top student of the MA ChildCare Law and Practice 2023 year group)
Privacy Policy

1. This is a privacy notice that describes how, why and for how long I will process or keep your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’).
2. The GDPR governs how an individual’s personal data is used, and your rights in relation to that data.
3.  I, Ravi Sethi, have been instructed by you or your litigation friend (usually a parent), through your solicitor or agent, or via the Bar Pro Bono Unit.
4.  It is necessary for me to process your personal data in order for me to provide you with legal services, for example:

  • Advise on the prospects of litigation;
  • Advise on the value of your claim;
  • Representation at a court hearing;
  • Representation at trial;
  • Advise, review or comment on legal issues or evidence.

5. Processing means anything done to data such as: recording, organising, adapting, altering, copying, consulting, transmitting, combining, erasing or storing it.

6.The processing for the purposes listed above will take place in accordance with either Article 6(1)(a) GDPR or Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, depending on how you instructed me.

7. If you have instructed me on a direct access basis, or engaged a solicitor (or legal agent), to assist you in bringing or defending a claim then the processing is necessary to perform a contract to which you are a party (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR). To give effect to that contract (i.e. to bring a claim) it is necessary for me to process your personal data for litigation purposes.

8. If I am assisting you on a pro bono basis, it will be necessary for me to seek your consent to be able to represent you (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR). In this scenario, you will be sent a consent form.

Recipients of your data

9.  I may also be required to share your data with others, depending on the nature of your case. This may include:

(i)  Courts and other tribunals to whom documents are presented;

(ii) Your solicitors, or agent representing you, through whom I have been instructed;

(iii) Potential witnesses, experts and other persons involved in the case;

(iv) Solicitors, barristers, or other legal representatives;

(v) Ombudsman and regulatory authorities;

(vi) Education and examining bodies; and

(vii) Current, past or prospective employers.

Special Categories of Data

10.  In some cases I will have been given your personal data that is within the ‘special categories’ of data described in GDPR Article 9(1). For example, personal data that reveals your race, ethnicity, sexual preferences, political or religious beliefs, trade union membership or health. There are also restrictions for processing information regarding criminal convictions.

11. This type of personal data will only be processed where it is necessary in order to represent you in your legal claim, or advise on the prospects of a legal claim.


12. I will retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary, and where it is possible, I will anonymise your data.

13. How long your personal data is kept will depend on a number of factors. The retention period will be reviewed when the service I am providing you with is complete. However in general, I am obliged by the Bar Code of Conduct to retain records of my cases, and by HM Revenue and Customs to retain records for 6 years.

14. Once your case has concluded and fees have been paid, I shall retain only the personal data necessary for the following purposes:

(i) The legal and professional obligation to retain information relating to my cases;

(ii) To check for any potential conflict of interests that may arise in the future when I am instructed on other cases;

(iii) For use in the defence of potential complaints, legal proceedings or fee disputes;

(iv) To refer back to in future cases which raise similar legal, factual, or procedural issues.

15. The processing for the purposes listed in paragraph 14 (ii), (iii), and (iv) above, will take place in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. That is, for the purposes of legitimate interests that are not outweighed by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

16. The processing for the purposes listed in paragraph 14(i) above, will take place in accordance with Article 6(1)(c) GDPR. That is, the processing is necessary for me to comply with a legal obligation. 

Your Rights

17. Where processing of your personal data was based on your consent (see paragraphs 6 and 8) you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

18. Withdrawal of your consent to process such data will most likely mean that I am no longer able to provide you with the legal services you seek.

19. You may request confirmation that your personal data is being processed by me and details about the personal data, the source, the processing, the purposes of the processing, the recipients and the retention period.

20. You may request a copy of your personal data that is being processed by me. You may also request rectification (i.e. correction) where there are inaccuracies in the personal data.

21. You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time, to processing of your personal data in paragraph 14 of this privacy notice. Should you object, the processing will only continue where there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your fundamental rights, freedoms and interests. 

22. Where the processing or retention of your data is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, it will not be possible to object. 

23. You have the right to request that your personal data is erased where any of the following apply:

(i) The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

(ii) You withdraw your consent where the basis of processing was based on consent and where there is no other ground for the processing;

(iii) Where your fundamental rights, freedoms and interests override the legitimate interests of processing in paragraph 14;

(iv) The personal data has been unlawfully processed; or

(v) The personal data have to be erased to comply with a legal obligation.

24. You have the right to request that your personal data is restricted from processing, so that it is simply stored, for the following reasons: as an alternative to deletion; so that it can be corrected; for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; to verify if a legitimate ground exists (paragraph 14).

25. Where it is necessary to correct your personal data, or you have requested the restriction or erasure of your personal data, I shall endeavour to contact the recipients of the personal data, unless this involves disproportionate effort. 


26. I take appropriate physical and technical procedures to safeguard your personal data to prevent it from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way. 

Complaints or Queries

27. If you have any questions regarding this privacy notice, or how I use your personal data please email me:, or my clerks: telephone 01823 247 247.

28. I shall aim to respond as soon as possible, and within 30 days.

29. You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) if you believe I have not handled your request in an appropriate manner. For information on contacting the ICO please go to:

Ravi's Testimonials

Ravi represented a client on a difficult children case and really put the time and effort in to grapple with the issues and ensure that no stone was left unturned in the hearing prep, which led to a successful outcome and a happy client. Ravi is very personable and easy to work with, and is able to put clients at ease. Highly recommended.

Debra Lowy

Solicitor, Evolve Family Law

I have known Ravi for many years since he first worked at Tahir Solicitors and have stayed in touch and recommended him to various clients over the years.

Very knowledgeable in his areas of practice and approachable. A highly recommended and skilful family and criminal advocate.

Jabin Rafiq

Solicitor, Kinetic Law

We recently instructed Ravi in a family law matter. This was a challenging matter for our client. I found Ravi to be approachable. I am really impressed with his understanding and would highly recommend him. Thank you once again Ravi for your effort!

Asrar A.B

Solicitor, Axis Solicitors



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Contact us about working with Ravi

If you’d like to work with Ravi Sethi or any of our other specialist barristers, send us your details and we’ll get back to you.