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Join our database of qualified mediators and arbitrators

Our ADR database is actively marketed to solicitor firms and businesses throughout the UK. With over 4,500 searches in the last year, our database is widely used and recognised as a trusted source for qualified mediators and arbitrators. 

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Mediation Observations mailing list

Mediation observations

We offer a mailing list for mediators who wish to secure their observations. 

We can provide observations at present for an admin cost of £100.00 + VAT each. Just let us know how many you would like, together with your billing address, and we will email you across an invoice.

Once paid we will add you onto our mailing list. When a mediation becomes available to observe, we email out to our list with the details and first to respond to say they would like to attend is allocated the observation. You only need reply to the ones you are interested in observing and you’ll remain on the mailing list until you have secured the number of observations paid for.  

We keep the number of people on our list small, so it is fair to everyone to have a chance of obtaining their observations.  These opportunities can be by Zoom or Face2Face anywhere in the country.

Become an Exclusive TBG Mediator

Once you have completed your mandatory accreditation with the Civil Mediation Council (CMC) we invite you to become an Exclusive TBG Mediator. As an Exclusive TBG Mediator, your profile will be added to our database and our fantastic ADR team will administer all of your mediations.

We’ll work with you to build a structured and appealing profile on our site, ensuring maximum exposure to prospective clients. We’ll also help you with your LinkedIn profile to ensure it’s working as hard as it can for you and your mediation practice and actively see

If you’d prefer to be non-exclusive and still appear on our database, there is an annual fee of £200 +VAT.

Three distinct levels of mediator

Our mediators are classified in three different levels, depending on how many mediations have been undertaken to date. 

  • Junior Mediator – undertaken up to 25 mediations to date
  • Senior Mediator – undertaken up to 50 mediations to date
  • Elite Mediator Status – undertaken over 50 mediations to date.

Receive 100% of your fees

You are paid 100% of your fees to ensure transparency throughout the process. TBG charge parties an administration fee for the mediation. Administration includes:

  • dealing with the enquiry
  • providing case management throughout
  • fixing the venue
  • billing all parties
  • managing outcomes
  • post mediation paperwork
  • preparing final accounts and settling disbursements.


Our service is end to end and includes anything considered reasonable throughout the life of the mediation enquiry.

We provide this service to mediators, whether or not they have been introduced through our channels. If you are a non-exclusive mediator and would like us to administer a mediation enquiry you have, we are quite happy to do so and you will be assured 100% of your fees.

It is important to understand that we are not the of work. Our role is an administrative service that we encourage you to refer clients to and make use of.

How to be added to the TBG ADR database

To apply to join us as a TBG Mediator/ Arbitrator, you’ll need the following information to hand:

  • Confirmation of your registration with the CMC
  • A written profile for your directory listing
  • A current high resolution professional photograph in JPG or PNG format
  • You will be asked to tick a box to agree to adopt the CMC and European codes of practice
  • You must agree to adopt the TBG feedback and complaints handling system for all matters instructed and administered by TBG ADR

Frequently asked questions

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Am I contracting with TBG or the parties?

You're contracting with us. Administration of the mediation is undertaken by TBG and you invoice us for your full fees which are held on account and paid by BACS within 30 days of the mediation.

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Can I conduct pro-bono mediations?

We do not offer pro-bono mediations but if you wish to mediate one independently this is acceptable on the understanding that we will have no involvement.

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How much does it cost?

As an exclusive member there is no cost to joining the database. If you wish to remain non-exclusive, you'll be charged £200 + VAT annually. 

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What's the difference between exclusive and non-exclusive?

If you are exclusive to TBG we administer any and all mediation enquiries that you receive via any avenue. If you're non-exclusive you'll work with other CMC providers to receive client enquiries too. 

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How is exclusivity governed?

We rely on our Exclusive Members’ goodwill and honesty to refer any direct enquiries from any avenue to us. By agreeing to be Exclusive to TBG, you must not be on any other Mediator Panels (unless pro bono or Family).

If you have your own website it must be made clear that enquiries are administered by us. If you advertise fees you will also need to add in our admin charge of £400.00 + VAT per party. By agreeing to be exclusive, if you take an enquiry from elsewhere this will result in your profile being removed from the website and your membership cancelled.

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Can I change my membership type?

If you are an Exclusive Member, you can choose to become Non-Exclusive at any time which will start a 12 month membership for the fee of £200.00 + VAT. You can change from Non-Exclusive to Exclusive before your 12 month membership is up if you wish, but no refund will be given.

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How can I secure mediations through TBG?

We encourage you to ensure your profile is comprehensive and up to date. Think of it as the shop window to your practice - it'll give prospective clients a good insight into the experience and skill that you have to ensure it's suitable for their needs. 

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Do I need to be registered with the Civil Mediation Council?

Yes, you will need to be registered with the Civil Mediation Council to join our database.

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Why do I need insurance?

 The Civil Mediation Council requires any mediator undertaking civil and commercial mediation in the UK to have in place at least £1m of professional indemnity cover.

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I’m a Barrister so my insurance is with Bar Mutual, is this sufficient?

No. Bar Mutual calculates your cover based on income and may not be £1m automatically. You will need to refer to your cover note and check that your cover is at least £1m. If it is not, you will need to contact Bar Mutual and ensure you have £1m cover before you can undertake commercial & civil mediation as a mediator. Note: Towergate also provide cover if you wish to obtain an alternative quote.

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What counts as CPD?

You are required by the CMC to complete 6 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) per calendar year. More information can be found here.

Most of the major mediation trainers offer CPD training to the CMC standards.

Complaints and cancellations