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    Blog Category // Christopher Cant

    Deferral of CIL

    The draft Community Infrastructure Levy (Coronavirus) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 (“the Coronavirus Regulations”) ...

    Phased Planning Permissions and the Self-Build Exemption

    A turbulent topic in the context of Community Infrastructure levy (“CIL”) continues to be eligibility for the exemption for ...

    Unincorporated Bodies and Assets of Community Value

    Successful challenges to nominations of property as an Asset of Community Value (“ACV”) have often been a pyrrhic victory. ...

    The Role of CIL Liabilty Notices & Demand Notices

    A number of High Court cases have explored the relationship between CIL liability and the giving of liability and demand ...

    Late Service of CIL Liability Notice

    The role of a CIL liability notice with regard to CIL falling due was discussed in a previous article. It has been held that ...