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    Blog Category // Credit Hire

    Credit Hire Agreement Unsigned by the Claimant - Implications

    Introduction It is not altogether unusual for a credit hire agreement to be unsigned by the Claimant. Indeed, it's not an ...

    Credit Hire and Comprehensive Insurance

    In my years of practice, I have frequently noted that it is argued that if a claimant is entitled to a courtesy vehicle from ...

    Credit Hire: Is a claimant entitled to a “like for like” hire vehicle?

    The issue of whether a claimant is entitled to a “like for a like” vehicle or is s/he only entitled to a vehicle which just ...

    Credit Hire and Need

    In almost every case I have been involved in credit hire for over 25 years, the need for hire has been disputed in the ...

    Credit Hire and Rates

    One of the most important issues in any credit hire case will be rate, and of course the potential difference between the ...

    Company Loss of Use & Surplus of Vehicles

    There is a very common situation for companies up and down the country. In a road traffic accident, a company vehicle is ...

    Credit Hire and Period of Hire

    One of the most important topics in any credit hire case can be the issue of period. From my experience it’s a live issue in ...

    The Evolution & History of Credit Hire (Part 1)

    Credit hire is supposedly a very well-known subject area. The words credit hire mean different things to people. Whilst not ...

    Impecuniosity – Implications of Diriye v Bojaj

    The case of Diriye v Bojaj [2021] 1 WLR 1277 is a Court of Appeal case and therefore should be seriously considered. I have ...

    Impecuniosity & Credit Hire

    One of the key issues in almost any credit hire case is the issue of impecuniosity. There were many early challenges to ...

    No MOT in Credit Hire and Causation

    In credit hire cases, it is not an entirely an uncommon situation for a claimant not to have a valid MOT for the vehicle ...

    Bee v Jenson and the Ways to Quantify Loss of Use

    The Court of Appeal decision of Bee v Jenson [2008 R.T.R.7] was reported over 13 years ago. I recall there was a lot of ...

    The Meaning of “Credit” Under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and its Implications

    Central to the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (hereinafter mainly referred to as the “Act”) is the word “credit”. There is however ...

    Loss and Hire: Two Sides of the Same Coin

    The concepts of loss and hire have always been intertwined. From my experience, the easiest way to understand hire is to ...

    The Difference and Interaction Between Credit Hire, Insured Hire & Subrogation

    Credit hire, insured hire and subrogation are three areas that have manifested in the field of hire generally. There can be ...