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    Blog Category // Mediation

    Is Mediation in the eye of the beholder? How the United Kingdom and Greece 'regulate' mediation

    In the past decade London has become the Babel of the modern world, with more than a third of Londoners now being foreign ...

    Should Mediation Be Mandatory for Sustainability Disputes?

    Picture applying family mediation techniques to solve sustainability conflicts. Dr. Georgina Tsagas recommends the use of ...

    ‘I am triggered, therefore I am’: The Psychology of Conflict

    "I think, therefore I am" - in Latin, ‘Cogito, ergo sum - is the "first principle" of the philosophy of the 17th-century ...

    Workplace Bullying: How to spot it, its connection to the 'S' of ESG, and what to do about it

    The ‘Big Quit’ or otherwise termed ‘The Great Resignation’ has been reported by the media and latest research to be the ...

    Net-Zero Disputes: Aspiration or Inspiration?

    During the Singapore Convention Week on Mediation 2024 organised and hosted by the Ministry of Law, Singapore and the ...

    Net-Zero Disputes Panel at the Singapore Convention on Mediation

    As countries and corporations pledge ambitious emission reductions, disputes frequently emerge over resource allocation, the ...

    Mediation and AI: Revolutionising Dispute Resolution in the Digital Age

    In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the potential for disputes is as vast as the technology ...

    Mediation in Planning: A Look Over the Border

    The benefits of resolving disputes through mediation are well known and include speed, flexibility, cost, confidentiality ...

    Mediation as Change Management

    At the outset, we have two (or sometimes more) parties in dispute. Hostility, rancour, and frustration - not to mention ...

    Is Mandatory Mediation the Future?

    “An ounce of mediation is worth a pound of arbitration and a ton of litigation”[1].

    “Pipe of Peace” or “Piece of Pipe”?

    The recent Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris had all the trappings of gladiatorial combat in ...

    Mediating Climate Change Disputes: Navigating Scope 3 Effects and International Law Implementation in Energy Transition Projects

    As the global community intensifies its efforts to combat climate change, the transition to sustainable energy sources has ...

    Mediation at the Heart of Dispute Resolution

    Two years ago, at the London International Dispute Week, the Master of the Rolls, Sir Geoffrey Vos, revealed his vision for ...

    Mediation v The Court or ‘Don’t Give Yourself to The Dark Side’

    Probably one of the best ways of approaching mediation is by comparing it to ‘going to court’; after all that is what most ...

    Taming the Green-Eyed Monster: Jealousy's Role in Dispute Resolution and How Best to Tackle It

    One of BBC Radio 4’s longest running and popular programmes was called Quote… Unquote. It ran for over 40 years, and its ...