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Andrew Mackenzie

BEng(Hons), MIET, CPA, EPA; West Midlands

Andrew formally qualified as a mediator in 2024 having spent over 30 years as a technology lawyer and before that, as an engineer. He is registered with the Civil Mediation Council (CMC) and his mediation qualification is also accredited by the International Mediation Institute (IMI).

Andrew is regulated by the CMC and follows the European Code of Conduct for Mediators and the CMC Complaints Procedure. He has an engineering degree, is highly numerate and readily understands complex technology. He has started, grown and sold businesses and operated in Managing Director, Managing Partner and Chair roles, and is comfortable reading legal, technical and financial documents. 

TBG House (6)


Andrew Mackenzie Photos


Patent Attorney


Local Panel

West Midlands


Specialist Panel

Information Technology

Membership Level

Membership Level


Andrew's Experience

Areas of Expertise
  • Software
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Telecoms
  • Automotive
  • Classic Cars
  • Partnership Disputes
  • Shareholder Disputes
  • Motor Trade
Mediation Style

Andrew applies a process known as facilitative mediation. Mediators who use this approach do not evaluate the rights and wrongs of the case or direct the parties to a particular settlement (so-called “evaluative mediation”), but rather they facilitate the conversation and guide the participants towards an outcome of their own.

Facilitative mediators ensure that every participant has the opportunity to express themselves, and will work with each party to explore all the issues in dispute. Whilst Andrew may help parties reality-test a position and help parties think about what happens next if mediation does not settle, he will not evaluate the strengths of a particular argument or seek to impose a solution, or the solution of the other party. Throughout the process, the participants themselves remain in control of what is discussed and how the conflict will be resolved. The mediator’s sole interest is helping the participants to find their own resolution to their dispute.

Professional Background

Andrew has an engineering degree, is highly numerate and readily understands complex technology. He has started, grown and sold businesses and operated in Managing Director, Managing Partner and Chair roles.

Andrew is comfortable reading legal, technical and financial documents. He initially worked as an engineer in the space and automotive industries. He then gained legal qualifications to become a Chartered UK Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney and continues to practice as a partner at Cleveland Scott York LLP in the engineering and software/electronics sectors.

Memberships & Advisory
  • Fellow, Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys
  • Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology
  • Member, Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
  • CMC Registered Mediator
  • Authorised Representative at the Unified Patent Court (UPC)


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Contact us about working with Andrew

If you’d like to work with Andrew Mackenzie or any of our other TBG Mediators, send us your details and we’ll get back to you.