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    Blog Category // Commercial Law

    The Subsidy Control Regime: A Year and a Half on

    This note looks at the first year and a half of the UK’s new subsidy control regime.

    Applications to Court: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

    It's all too easy to overlook what most practitioners would consider to be an everyday or basic step in proceedings: the ...

    The Barrister Group awarded Wellbeing Certificate of Recognition by the Bar Council

    The Barrister Group has been awarded a Wellbeing Certificate of Recognition by the Bar Council.

    Subsidy Control: Top Tips for Public Authorities (Webinar)

    In the first of our commercial law webinars, barrister Muhammad Saley discusses the UK's subsidy control regime and his top ...

    Join our commercial law webinars!

    Throughout the year, The Barrister Group will be hosting a series of webinars with our specialist barristers on specific ...

    The Subsidy Control Regime

    This note discusses the UK’s subsidy control regime and how The Barrister Group (“TBG”) may be able to assist public ...

    Privy Council Lays Down Principles for Security for Costs

    What is a Public Body for the Purposes of Judicial Review?

    R(Hannah) v Chartered Institute of Taxation [2021] EWHC 1069 (Admin) concerned a decision of Chartered Institute of Taxation ...

    The New Dilemma: Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Professionals in Courts and Write Judgments in Public Law?

    When discussing AI’s role in replacing advocates and writing judgments in public law cases, it is important to recognise ...

    Is a taxi driver entitled to more than the pre-accident valuation of the vehicle when written off?

    Generally, someone who is involved in a non-fault road traffic accident, whereby their vehicle is written off, is only ...

    Unlocking Strategic Advantage: The Role of Chief Legal AI Officers in Today's Business Landscape

    In the dynamic realm where technology intersects with the law, the emergence of Chief Legal AI Officers has become ...

    Navigating the AI Landscape: A Detailed Analysis of the Artificial Intelligence Bill

    The recently introduced Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill [HL] signifies a pivotal step in the United Kingdom's ...

    Case Law: Turley v Unite the Union, former Labour MP accused of dishonesty wins libel claim

    The judgment in Anna Turley v Unite the Union and Stephen Walker [2019] EWHC 3547 (QB) was handed down On 19 December 2019, ...