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    Blog Category // Jake Rudman

    Damages for Injury to Feelings in Malicious Falsehood - The Argument is Not Over [George v Cannell and Ano [2024] UKSC 19]

    The Supreme Court’s Judgment in George v Cannell on damages for distress in malicious falsehood is fascinating, but dense ...

    Four TBG Barristers Included in 2024 Pro Bono Recognition List

    We’re pleased to share the inclusion of four TBG barristers - Haresh Sood, Maureen Spencer, Philip Bowen, and Jake Rudman - ...

    Jake Rudman named Junior Pro Bono Barrister of the Year

    Congratulations to barrister Jake Rudman on being named Advocate's Junior Pro Bono Barrister of the Year.

    Case Law: Turley v Unite the Union, former Labour MP accused of dishonesty wins libel claim

    The judgment in Anna Turley v Unite the Union and Stephen Walker [2019] EWHC 3547 (QB) was handed down On 19 December 2019, ...